Saturday, April 30, 2016

A Quick Visit

Stopped by today to drop off the Precious, deliver some clothes, and fix a lamp.

The lamp had already been fixed, I put the Precious in the fridge.

I sat down for a bit and Bob told me that his recliner was not working, a quick check showed that the power supply was not plugged in.

While sitting on the couch Bob told me how he discovered that there is another meal after it is dark.

We noted he had a fork in his shirt pocket, he said it was because his fork keeps disappearing!

I asked the attendants there about the late meal and they said that they give out a snack late at night, and told them about the fork. They will put some plastic dinner ware in his room.

Bob said that he would like it if I got him another gallon of the Precious, I told him that I already did and that I get him a gallon every week. He said "I did not know that". He then went to the fridge and verified that there really was more of the Precious in there.

He went to lunch and we escaped somehow.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

THIEF! They stole "The Precious"!

My wife went to visit Bob yesterday evening and he informed her that someone had broken in to his apartment and STOLE his chocolate milk!
The staff had thrown it away because it was expired.

Sunday, April 10, 2016


We went to visit Bob today to deliver his damn chocolate milk, and the baseball caps my wife had cleaned all the Bob juice off of.

When we got there they tried to hand us surgical masks and said that Bob and several other people had come down with something that was making them puke and poop, and did we really want to visit him?

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Methuselah's Apartment

Lately Bob has been all incredulous about his age "did you know I am 76 years old?" No Bob you are 74 "yeah!". Then a week or so ago he was telling everyone he is 114! Today he told my wife he is 174!
Here is his apartment all furnished and decorated.
I cannot visit him without him saying something obnoxious. He suddenly decided that he needs to change out 3 pictures. The stitched picture of the fire truck (left of his bed), a picture of a train on a bridge (right of his bed), and the framed drawing of the crown fire engine (over the couch). So! am I going to do it?
He has too much money in his account. The apartment complex did not take anything from his account for last month, the $2000 that he is supposed to pay for his part of the assisted living. Since he can't have more than $2000 in the bank total when they do take money out this month he will be over by almost $1000. So, we went to his apartment and looked at his clothes, anything stained or grungy we will get rid of. He also needed toiletries. We went to Walmart and bought him 3 cotton button up long sleeve shirts, a package of V neck XL T-shirts, some extra big socks, several pairs of pants, soap, wipes, and another set of sheets.

One of the Attendants told me that Bob prefers the company of the ladies and he practically snubs the one other guy there.