Monday, August 31, 2015

Hip Problems

Bob is reporting hip problems, and went to a chiropractor today. He claims they did a 4 hour evaluation and they are sending him to a closer chiropractor, since 10th st and Camelback is such a long way away.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

More lucid than Normal

Another thanksgiving come and gone. Nothing too exciting today. I told Bob that I am looking in to getting him a better home phone so he can hear me.

He told all the same stories again.

He asked me how I make my gravy, because he has not made gravy in years and forgot how.

He's put on weight we told him he weighed more than 190 lbs and he did not believe it, we weighed him and he weighs 210. He eats too many pies.

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Another thanksgiving, and afterwards I was sitting watching Okeanos explorer and EV Nautilus. I remembered that I had recently taken an old super 8 movie and converted it to video since I had never seen what was on it.

I was showing him the movies and he kept referring to me in the movies as "he", as if I was someone who was not related to him and he was telling me about me... ಠ_ಠ

He was also laughing a lot at everything. Then of course there was the real interesting parts with the fire trucks and trains. That made it all worth watching!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Stupid MTH

Yesterday Bob's package arrived, a caboose from MTH. He was only here long enough to open it, and then he went home.

Today when he came over for thanksgiving, he was complaining that the marker lights on the caboose were only on one end and not on the other, so when he ran it, it was all wrong!

Also the plastic mat we bought him to keep his chair from destroying the carpet supposedly does not work. ಠ_ಠ

After Dinner I went to my room and he started talking about that damn book about some iron works in East St. Louis.

I was telling him about some stuff I got from an Estate sale and he was doing his best not to appear bored. After that he was like "Well I guess I will take off", this was followed by him repeating the story about his new caboose again before leaving.

Saturday, August 1, 2015


Bob has been in his apartment for about 3 months now, and we went over to deliver some shirts and a package he got. We also went over to clean his apartment.

About a month or 3 ago I asked Bob if he had vacuumed his apartment and he said that he did, but it did not look like it. When we got there the carpet was still not vacuumed and covered in large flakes of skin from his legs. He has a skin condition on his legs and he scratches them wherever he is  leaving nasty gross flakes everywhere.

I vacuumed the floor while my wife cleaned the kitchen. Neither of us wanted to do this. My dad never cleans. In his old apartment in Seattle he had not cleaned it in about 7 or more years.

I mopped the bathroom floor and cleaned the sink, then my wife cleaned them all over again because I did not use the swiffer thingies with the magic smelly juice.

When I had finished vacuuming I emptied the canister and Bob decided to clean the filter ON HIS TRAIN LAYOUT. He was telling me that you can't get the filters anymore and they don't make them. His information source was some stooge at target. I told him you CAN get them and they ARE still made. There followed a few seconds of "yes they do" "no they don't".

I had to reign my wife in as once she gets started cleaning she is compelled to clean everything. Then we escaped somehow.