Today 4 letters arrived from the hospital Bob was in, in August. They contained MRI, X-ray, and CT scan results.
Some of the highlights (stuff in parentheses is my comments):
Misshapen thoracic aorta (aging and hypertension could have atherosclerotic disease).
Extensive bilateral periventricular and other deep white matter hypodensities (problems walking and thinking)
There is diffuse volume loss as evidenced by prominence of the ventricles and sulci (losing gray matter)
Chronic lacunar infarcts are identified within both thalami the right basal ganglia, and the left putamen (cognitive behavioural and motor problems caused by strokes)
A chronic lacunar infarct is also identified within the superior left cerebellum (coordination)
Vascular calcifications (calcium buildup in brain blood vessels)
There are patchy and confluent areas of T2 / FLAIR hyperintense signal throughout the supratentorial white matter (bright areas caused by reduced blood flow)
moderate ventriculomegaly disproportionate to the degree of parenchymal volume loss.
Diffuse white matter disease and left cerebral and cerebellar chronic micro hemorrhages may relate to hypertension or amyloid angiography (plaque in the brain).
communicating hydrocephalus.
Basically Bob has multiple signs of strokes, hardening of the arteries, he is losing brain tissue, parts of his brain are not getting enough blood, and plague build up in the brain.
This is causing motor control problems, cognitive and behavioral issues, depression, coordination issues and dementia.
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