I had a conference call with Bob's care facility yesterday here is what was discussed:
His cognition was tested and he scored 2 of 15, so he has impaired cognition (DUH!). Bob did not know any of his chronological coordinates.
They stated his goals are "no significant decline" (good luck with that)
He had one episode of wandering, (wanted to know how to get out).
likes to read and look at magazines, slow to respond to the "air ball" game, and has to be coached to catch it, wants to hold the balloon when he gets it.
Is engaged when they have music, but has trouble dozing off.
They listed his Meds.
He is on a bowel program.
He has no uti's
he is on supplements for weight gain (ensure).
He is provided with 8oz of water every 4 hours while awake.
Has 2 cavities and will have a dentist fix them.
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