Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The final push and cleanup

We are down wind for final approach. There are about 3 to 4 days till we will be leaving this god forsaken, dripping wet, crowded, disorganized, politically correct, traffic packed city... oops! did I say that out loud?

We finally got a hold of the Dave. We will be meeting him at gas station to pick up some stuff that belongs to my dad. Nephew reminds me to not be shocked when I see him. We arrive at the gas station and he arrives. he gets out of the truck and... he looks almost exactly like me. Close to the same height, Maybe a little heavier, and he has a mole on one cheek (I do not). To say it was a little creepy is an understatement. I would like to show you a picture of him and me, but I do not have one (of his face) and could not find one on line. No he is not a long lost twin, No he is not the love child of my dad and whomever his mother is.

Now it is time to get everything left in the apartment to storage. We should have used the movers to load more, but we did not fully comprehend the ability of the Mary Poppins closet to hold stuff.
The above picture is the closet with all the clothes removed. What is not clear is that there are 2 clothes hanger rods The top shelf had 2 layers of boxes that contain trains and die-cast fire trucks. The floor has more trains and metal boxes that contain magazines, catalogs, and who knows what else.

This is what approximately $15000 to $20000 in trains looks like (all from the closet).

Over the next day or 2, We packed all the remaining stuff we were taking back and I passed it through the window to nephew who loaded the truck up. We took it to storage,

loaded the truck up with junk and took it to the dump, went back to the apartment and loaded up the truck with the book cases and anything that would go to the dump. Leaving the bed and a chair, everything else went to storage.

The next day which would be Friday I spent Cleaning the apartment and doing laundry for the trip home. Nephew acted as Gopher. Several days prior the manager began coming in to the apartment to get the ball rolling on refurbishing it.

The first order of business in the cleaning was the fridge (gross), He had not cleaned it in probably 10 years. He never had much groceries in it but the freezer and the crisper were the worst. The crisper drawer had to be put in the shower to clean it out. In between all that I worked on the bathroom sink (gross) and the Toilet (gross). We would toss bags of garbage out the window for another trip to the dump.

We had to leave the "bed" overnight as there was no room for it in the truck, We would pick it up the next morning when we got the U-haul. We went back to storage, loaded up more stuff and took it to the dump. 

That afternoon When we checked in to the Motel 6 in Issaquah we inquired about how and where we could park a U-haul with a trailer attached and they informed us that a certain section of the parking lot in front of the IHOP could be used for that. We confirmed this with IHOP later that night.

The motel bed was hard as a rock, but quiet as a mouse, I never slept so well in my life.

Next Post:
"The loading and the snooping" or "How one little recommendation changed Dave's life"

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