Sunday, July 26, 2015

Earlier and Earlier

Originally thanksgiving started at about 5pm, but over time Bob has been arriving earlier, first it was about 4:45pm, then 4:30, then 4:15, today it was 3:49. I had not even started cooking.

We got to hear the story about "buddy" again yay, and all the same stuff all over.

While cooking dinner I was watching Mythbusters, and when it was over Bob said "If one of you wants to grab my junk, I'll be leaving".

I looked at my wife and she at me...
We both started laughing, and Bob's was like "what?".

Thursday, July 23, 2015

I should have known

I got a call yesterday to go down and sign paper work saying that I live at my house for this job that pays me to do nothing. While there I asked about my dad coming in to sign paper work because he was eligible again. The lady said she never said that. She just needed bob to sign the same paper work for an audit.

I called and told Bob this and he went down and signed the paperwork. He still thought it was to sign up for the money, even after I told him it was not.

He showed up this morning and said he signed it, and I had to explain again what it was about. As he was leaving he complained about how he doesn't like that his legs feel like rubber. I reminded him that his legs used to hurt him all the time and this was better than constant pain. He doesn't remember the pain.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Who needs extra income?

Bob called me to tell me that a company that paid him to do nothing, had called him and told him he was eligible to get the money again. He did not think he wanted to do it because it would raise his rent at the HUD place he is living. I attempted to tell him that for an additional $322 per month his rent would go up about $100, leaving him with $222 more than he has now per month. He did not know if he wanted to do it. I will talk him in to it.

He then started on the story of "buddy" again.

He also decided (for now) that he wants to sell about 80% of the stuff he has in storage, of course that's his math, I told him we would rent 3 tables at a train show this winter and sell whatever he wants to sell.

He continued to talk about this and that while I ate my dinner at a restaurant. He never once said "Happy Birthday".

Monday, July 20, 2015

I'm Sorry I wasn't listening

Another Sunday, another Thanksgiving.

Bob regaled us with a story about an uncle "Buddy" who worked for some company back in Illinois. He said that they never knew what he did where he worked, then he told us "Buddy" was an electrician there...
After Dinner, I showed Bob a project I had been working on, Initially he was like "Oh Wow", I was explaining it to him I turned around and he was looking off in to space somewhere. ಠ_ಠ

...And he gets irritated at me if I don't show incredible interest at whatever he wants to show me.

He told the story of "Buddy" all over again, then it was time to go.

Monday, July 13, 2015

What is the most important thing in the world?

Bob has been chomping at the bit for a train he ordered. It finally came today.

He came over and he had to open it and show me the beautiful maryland something something locomotive. He was disappointed in MTH because the train came with 2 box cars instead of the proper hopper cars

I loaded them up in to his truck and he toddled off to go play choo choo.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

That was close

Today at Thanksgiving Bob asked if he had ever told me about how is mom never took a bath, but would take a sponge bath. I said yes he had told me, so.... he told me again. He was saying that he knew this because one day he walked by the bathroom and saw his mother cleaning herself with a wet wash cloth but mostly clothed, he then said "I'd really wish I had a picture" and paused I looked at my wife Like:
To which my wife nearly blew her drink out her nose.

He continued with "of the inside of the house I lived in, in East St. Louis".

I don't believe she never took a bath, but she probably did so when he was not around.

He then went on to confuse my wide with a story about his Sister Helen, how she would smack him (when he was a kid) for no reason. That Helen married some guy who had been married before, so my wife said "so Helen was his second wife?". to which Bob said "No they got married", and then when Helen died he married another woman. My wife asked again "so Helen was his second wife?" which prompted him telling the whole story again.ಠ_ಠ

Then he came in to my room and started telling me about how he has been going down to storage every day. You may remember from previous posts that he said he was not going down there anymore because it was too hot. I reminded him of this and he did not remember saying it.

He also needs some shirts that are all cotton because in the summer it's too hot to wear the polyester ones and he refuses to wear t-shirts. My wife asked him in a convoluted way what is the most he wants to pay for shirts, and he talked about how expensive shirts were at target. I said "what is the most that you want to pay for shirts?" and he reiterated that the shirts at target are expensive.

Eventually he said "well I better get going".

He then repeated all of his stories all over again.

This happened another 2 times. ಠ_ಠ

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Books and repeated stories

Bob came by today since some books he ordered arrived. He repeated how he has been going down to storage to find some trains and DVD's he has not been able to find.

Then he told me about the books, then he told me about the house he lived in, in East St. Louis, then he told me about some other stuff that I don't remember, then he repeated every thing.

I told him about my desk lamp needing repairs and the little adjustable power supply I built. He repeated most of his stories again and then went off to ruin his books by stamping his name in them.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Everything went pretty good until....

Thanksgiving dinner again, my wife was not in attendance as she was in servitude to her mother.

Bob brought with him a book and 2 magazines, never a good sign.

There was the article in the book about the royal gorge that we visited when I was kid. He brought up how my mom was scared to cross the bridge as she was convinced it was going to collapse when they crossed because it has wooden beams for the roadway, it did not of course collapse.

He wanted to show me the peabody railroad that he has been infatuated ever since he was a kid. I have to pretend to be interested as he gets a little upset if I am not giving him 100% attention when he tells me all about it. What ever it was I don't remember.

He also wanted to show me an article about a Lionel OO gauge railroad set that he had 2 of up until 2001 when he sold them for his fire truck he bought. He sold them for $1600.

He then repeated the story about the royal gorge and went through the other 2 articles again.

We had dinner, and then retired to my computer room when he brought up the GOD DAMN freecell game. ಠ_ಠ

He insist that the game is not winnable and he can never win it, even though it is the easiest version of solitaire around. I got quite irritated with him and finally changed the subject and decided to bore him with talk about the last radio I restored. We watched the EV nautilus for a while and then he went home.