Thursday, May 21, 2015

I've got something to show you

"I've got something to show you" A phrase I hear a lot, often followed by irrefutable evidence of nothing to get worried about.

Today Bob showed up with some cream for the scaly skin on his leg (mmm boy!). He wanted to show me that the small tube that was prescribed to him was only good for 2 days and how this was ridiculous to him. I guess he was expecting a half gallon of the stuff.

I suggested that he just use it, get the prescription refilled and when it runs out see what happens. If the condition comes back he could just contact the doctor again. This engendered a sigh. He also complained that while the cream cost him $15 the real price was $50. Apparently in Bob's world medicine comes in costco sized tubs, cost nothing, and heals you in one treatment.

There was also talk of him going down to the cave of wonders and not being able to find both of his lionel operating magnetic cranes, how he bought one a long time ago and he got the other one from someone he knew just before he moved down here. The guy sent it to him to fix (or something) and died, so he got it for free.

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