Sunday, October 4, 2015

We may have dodged a bullet

Since my last post Bob has been in the hospital twice for Atrial Fibrillation and other issues. Basically he nearly had a stroke.

While in the hospital he was not getting all his meds and after he was released he seemed more out of it than normal.

Several days ago we decided to take Bob's pills from him and take control of them, it seems he may not have been taking his pills properly for at least a week and maybe more.

We picked up 2 pill containers that hold pills for 7 days and 4 times per day. He only needs 3 - Morning, evening, and bed time.

We had to label them Monday through Sunday since the way they were labeled Sunday through Saturday confused him.

He put up a HUGE fight when we told him and at the time he could not understand how any systems besides his convoluted system of numbered bottles and a list would work.

There was a lot of yelling, wailing and gnashing of teeth but we prevailed.

Today he showed up at thanksgiving and he was in much better spirits than he was over the last 2 weeks. He didn't ramble, or repeat stories and he wasn't in a pissy depressed mood.

He was quite open to the new system and was very contrite and amiable.


We will see what happens.

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