Monday, February 15, 2016

How not to deal with dementia

I was reading a book yesterday on how to deal with dementia patients. It taught me one thing, never EVER take care of a person with dementia. Leave it to institutions or homes. That's not what the book said but that is what I got out of it. You have to have infinite patients and I do not.

Never lose your temper.

I took Bob down to the cave of wonders this morning to try and make some decisions of what to sell. I could not keep him on task. When I showed him the boxes of books that we were going to sell he said he wanted to look at them first. He completely forgot that he had looked at them over a month ago and told me to just sell all of them.

He kept looking for specific locomotives to take back to his apartment and not run. He had us put 3 locomotives in the van and then when he saw the trains in the van a few minutes later he wanted to know what they were. We showed him and he decided one of the trains is not the one he wanted, and to put it back in the cave. Then not 1 minute later he saw the train I had just put in the cave and he said he wanted it for his apartment, we told him he just told us to put it in the cave and he started arguing about it till we proved that he was confusing the H-9 and the H-10 locomotive.

About that time he locked in on a box I had in a pile of boxes that were empty. He wanted to take it back and I told him it was empty. He blew a gasket and wanted to know where the train was. I told him it was on his train layout and there ensued another round of NO IT'S NOT, YES IT IS!

I had, had it. I blew up at him I told him I am sick and tired of him getting all pissed off about not finding trains and the train is in his apartment. In this case I know for a fact it is on his layout. He is the one that went to the cave and went through un-boxing trains and not re-boxing them and then he blames everyone else. HE is the one that opened it and HE is the one that did not put it back. He refused to believe it because HE is perfect. So we were barely there 30 minutes and we took him home. I also told him we are not taking him to the train show to help sell stuff because he won't be able to handle it and I plan on selling stuff he may not want to sell.

We (my brother and I) returned and began by putting all the books to sell in my truck. Then we began going through the entire cave and anything that was 2 rail went in to the truck, any random die cast toys lying around went to my brother. We got about half way through the cave and then took a break to get lunch (on Bob).

We came back and went through the rest of the cave. We found the remainder of the empty boxes and all the trains not in boxes. We found a pile of HO gauge trains and some other random stuff like kits and buildings. We put all the MTH trains up high and pulled them all out of any cardboard boxes they were packed in. Next week we will be going back to box up any trains we can find, any trains not in boxes (and no box can be found) will be sold. If he does not like it too bad, I will deal with his "wrath".

So let it be written! so let it be done!

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